And never send an e-mail when you're angry or upset! It will probably show in your message, and you may hurt someone else's feelings. Be careful of flames and flame wars. A "flame" refers to any insulting message. Nearly everyone receives a flame sooner or later. The question becomes what to do with them. The best move is to just ignore them. If, however, you feel the flame is worth a response, your reply may start a flame war, where the insults continue back and forth. In these situations, everybody loses. Be patient. Everybody was new to the Internet at one time or another! Be patient with those who are new. If someone shows poor Netiquette, don't get angry. Politely respond and tell them of their error. Usually, the other person will be thankful for the advice. You may even find that you have made a new friend. Sometimes you'll bump into someone that you just don't see eye to eye with. In those cases, all you can do is agree to disagree. Be concise and accurate. E-mail wasn't intended for carrying on long talks. E-mail is about convenience. Keep your messages brief and to the point.